Transitioning to Cloth Diapers

I always thought I would use cloth diapers when I had children. Scientifically, I don't think it has been completely proved that using cloth diapers is better for the environment than disposal. But it just makes ecological sense to stop filling landfills with plastic diapers. Plus, it saves a lot of money over time and keeps those synthetic chemicals off baby's skin.

However, when I was pregnant and preparing for Alarik's arrival I was just completely overwhelmed with the whole thing. I have never known anyone who uses cloth diapers and, frankly, I just didn't know where to start. Google searches just made it more overwhelming. There are literally thousands of different kinds out there!

My mom took initiative when I told her my goal to use cloth diapers and bought me a six pack of Kushies Basic Diapers with a diaper wrap. I decided I would try those out when Alarik was born and see how it went before I bought anymore. I also was planning to quit my job a week before my due date so I could experiment with sewing my own.

Unfortunately, illness kept me in the hospital for two and half months and when I was released, I wasn't well enough to mess around with cloth diapers so Alarik has been using disposables since birth. However, this week I decided to pull the Kushies out of storage and give them a try. Luckily they still fit him, although they probably wont' for very long.

I had bought some cheap store brand diapers and they were giving Alarik a diaper rash. One day of wearing the cloth diapers cleared it up without any creams. They do leak a lot more than disposables though. Alarik seems to fill them up with urine every five minutes! Perhaps if I had the Kushies Ultra or some other thicker diaper, it would go better.

With only six diapers and no money to invest in more, we can't use cloth exclusively right now. I have tried the much cheaper Chinese prefolds, but diaper changes are already a battle and adding pins to the equations won't work too well. Plus, I'm sure I'll have the leak problem even worse with those.

So right now, we are switching the cloth diapers in and out with disposables. And I'm really glad I finally took the plunge and started this. It's defiantly not as hard as it sounds and my baby's skin likes it better this way. Plus, I'm slowly reducing the amount of diapers that are being thrown out. Hopefully soon we will be able to purchase some more cloth diapers and use them all the time!
Green companies function in ways that are profitable while still helping to solve environmental and social problems. Green companies accomplish these aims in a variety of ways, including reducing pollution, recycling and limiting waste, using alternative fuels and renewable energy sources, adopting fair trade practices, donating profits to social and environmental causes, and offering workers healthy and just work environments.

Choosing green companies over other choices is a way to change the world. In a capitalist society, a dollar spent on a green company is essentially a vote for a greener society.


Anonymous said...


I just wanted to let you know that I have a post on my blog about how to use cloth diapers. I've used them with both of my kids, and I really like them. You can find it if you search my Thrifty Tips label.

Hope your move goes smoothly!

graceonline said...

More than forty years ago, when my babies were little, we could still buy soft, cotton diapers from a company called Curity. I had both the "unfolded" and "prefolded" varieties, and only the unfolded were soft enough and versatile enough for my babies. Those were wonderful diapers, but I did always keep plastic diaper covers over them.

When my children started having babies, I looked for the unfolded Curity diapers and could find none. One of my daughters went with the Elimination Communication (EC) method and used disposables only when they went out. This worked pretty well for them.

Another daughter spent hundreds of dollars on a micro-fiber diapering system, but they were so difficult to keep clean and free of rash-inducing microbes that she stayed with disposables the second time around.

With the birth of each of my grandchildren, I have searched for an economical and environmentally sound cloth diaper system, and I am sad to say I have not found one.

I would be interested in learning more about Kushies and how they worked for you.

Thank you so much for caring about the world we bequeath to our children.